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How to Choose Between Ball Gag or Open Mouth Gag?

March 09, 2024 4 min read

Choosing between a ball gag and an open mouth gag is a nuanced decision that involves considering the dynamics of your play, comfort levels, safety, and the specific sensations and experiences you are seeking to explore. Both tools are popular within BDSM activities, offering different ways to control or restrict a partner's ability to speak. However, their use, implications, and suitability can vary greatly depending on personal preferences and the context of the scene. In this article, we will delve into the factors you should consider when choosing between these two types of gags, aiming to provide a comprehensive guide that respects the principles of safe, sane, and consensual (SSC) play.


Difference Between Ball Gags and Open Mouth Gags

Before diving into the criteria for selection, let's briefly outline what each gag type entails:

Ball Gag

ball gag typically consists of a spherical ball (often made of rubber, silicone, or plastic) attached to a strap that goes around the wearer's head. The ball is placed in the mouth, behind the teeth, restricting speech and partially the ability to close the mouth.

Open Mouth Gag

Open mouth gags, on the other hand, are designed to keep the mouth open. They come in various designs, including rings, bars, or spider gags, which prevent the mouth from closing fully. This type of gag allows for more access to the mouth, which can be desirable for certain types of play.

Key Factors for Choosing Between a Ball Gag and an Open Mouth Gag

Choosing between a ball gag and an open mouth gag is a deeply personal decision that should be made with careful consideration of the factors mentioned above. It's also worth noting that preferences can evolve, and what works for one scene may not be ideal for another.

1. Communication and Safety

Safety should always be your primary concern. Both types of gags significantly impair verbal communication, so it's essential to establish clear, non-verbal safe signals beforehand. Open mouth gags may allow for more audible sounds or even limited words, depending on the design, offering a slightly higher degree of communicative capability than a ball gag.

2. Comfort and Tolerance

Comfort is a subjective factor and varies widely from person to person. Some may find the sensation of a ball gag more comfortable as it allows for some degree of mouth closure and saliva management. Others might prefer the openness an open mouth gag provides, especially if they find the pressure of a ball uncomfortable or have difficulty breathing through their nose.

3. Intended Use and Sensation

Consider the specific dynamics and sensations you wish to explore in your scene. If the goal is to significantly muffle sounds and create a sense of helplessness or submission, a ball gag might be more appropriate. If you're interested in oral play, humiliation, or require access to the mouth, an open mouth gag would be the better choice.

4. Duration of Use

The duration of the scene and how long the gag will be worn should influence your decision. Ball gags, being more restrictive, can lead to jaw fatigue quicker than open mouth gags. If you plan for a longer session, comfort becomes even more crucial, and you might opt for the type of gag that the wearer can tolerate for extended periods.

5. Materials and Allergies

Both ball and open mouth gags come in various materials. Consider any allergies or material sensitivities when choosing. Silicone is generally a safe bet for most people due to its non-porous nature and ease of cleaning. However, some prefer the aesthetics or the feel of leather, metal, or other materials. Ensure the material chosen is body-safe and suitable for the intended use.

6. Aesthetics and Psychological Impact

The visual aspect and psychological impact of a gag play a significant role in the scene. Some find the visual of a ball gag more appealing or fitting to their fantasy, while others prefer the look and implications of an open mouth gag. Consider what each type signifies to you and your partner and how it aligns with the desired mood or atmosphere of your play.

Final Thoughts

The most important aspect is maintaining open communication with your partner(s), respecting boundaries, and prioritizing safety and consent above all. Whether you opt for the control and muffling effect of a ball gag or the openness and accessibility of an open mouth gag, ensure that your choice enhances the experience and wellbeing of all involved.


At Cuffstore, we understand that the choice of mouth gag goes beyond mere functionality. It's a deeply personal decision that reflects the nature of the relationship and the roles within it. By offering a diverse range of mouth gags, we cater to the varied and evolving needs of the BDSM community, celebrating the rich symbolism inherent in each choice.

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